

Adoption Events

Desert Paws Rescue is a PetSmart Charity Partner, which enables us to hold adoption events in designated PetSmart locations within the valley.  These events provide us with an invaluable opportunity to connect with our community and show off all of our amazing adoptables.

The Desert Paws cat group currently holds these events every Saturday from 11a to 4p at the Gilbert Gateway PetSmart, located on Power and Ray.

Prior to the event, volunteers set up wire crates with beds and litter boxes so that your foster cat is outfitted with a comfortable environment during their stay.  Before you drop off your foster at an adoption event, please make sure to complete an ‘Intro Card’ for their crate.  This card displays the name, age, gender, and temperament of your foster cat.  It is also beneficial to let the volunteers know a little about your foster cat’s personality so that they can assist in finding the right match in a potential adopter.  This can include their attitude toward other cats, dogs, children, men, etc..  Any details are helpful!

Our mission is to find a forever family for all of our adoptable animals, not a “for-the-time-being family,” or an “until-the-newness-wears-off family.”
We are assisted in achieving this by requiring all potential adopters to complete a Consultation Form, otherwise known as an Adoption Application.
We appreciate any and all input regarding what traits a potential adopter should have to ensure that the right adopter is chosen for your foster; however, final approval of all adoptions is left to the discretion of a Desert Paws Administrator.


Fostering a cat is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have (other than adopting, of course).  By temporarily taking a cat in need into your home you’re providing the time and love that the animal needs to ensure the best match with a forever family.  Remember that while each adoption saves a life, a great foster parent can save many lives by socializing and rehabilitating cats who might not otherwise be able to find a home.  Each foster animal that you choose to adopt leaves one less space in your home for a cat that needs temporary care before they are ready for adoption.

If you anticipate that you will have trouble letting your foster cat go to a potential adopter, please let a DPR Administrator know.  A good general rule to follow is to avoid “falling” for your very first foster animal.  It can be very easy to integrate your foster animal into your life so completely that you can’t imagine it not being there.  However, one of the best parts of being a foster parent can be meeting a potential adopter that is as in love with your foster animal as you are!

Those who decide to adopt their foster animals are commonly referred to as “foster fails,” though there is no malice intended!  This occurs enough that it was given its own name!

If you and your family do decide to move forward with adopting your foster, please keep in mind that you will be required to complete the same Adoption Consultation Form and Contract that all potential adopters complete.  Fees for adoption should be discussed with DP Administration.  Your foster will remain “adoptable” until these requirements are met.



As a foster parent, you are the best advocate for your foster animal!  Telling family and friends about your foster through social media, or during encounters in your home, is a great way to spread the word about your foster animal’s personality.  In the event that a personal friend or family member expresses interest in adopting your foster(s), please request that they visit the Desert Paws website and complete the Cat Adoption Consultation FormAll interested adopters are required to complete this Adoption Consultation Form before an Administrator can approve an adoption.

Please feel free to contact Desert Paws Administration if you would like to provide a referral for any submitted Consultation Forms!  It is important to us that we place our animals with the best matched forever family, and very often the best match might be a friend or family member (someone who you know very well).